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Training Your Spirit

Training Your Spirit

Most men have grown up with a passive understanding of his spirit. Our spirit is our most vital organ in humanity, but unlike our body which receives the most attention by emphasis from the world, we neglect the training of our spirit.

We first need realization that we have a spirit. Second, we must begin to become mindful of our spirit. Third, we must begin training our spirit in order to activate it to become priority in our moment by moment living.

The matter of training our spirit is one of significant depth. Be patient with yourself brother, avoid comparing yourself, too much introspection and certainly do not entertain guilt or shame. Whether or not you have never known your own spirit, God has known you in spirit, even before you were alive. What a marvelous reality!

Below are four practical steps to begin training your spirit, provided by a brother and published by Lion of Judah YouTube channel. You can watch the video at and below are some high level takeaways. Remember, life is about progress. Just by progressing continuously you are in training.

  1. Meditation in the Word: If you have never tried pray reading the Word, it's a certain practice to exercise your spirit to absorb the Word. Even if you have read a verse a thousand times, pray reading it will open up your spirit to receive the Word by your spirit. It's simple: just begin reading, then pray what you just read, then read some more, pray more, over and over.

  2. Practicing the Word: Putting into practice, into action, what your spirit read from meditating in the Word. Activate your mind, emotion and will in accordance of the Word.

  3. Giving the Word first place: Amen to this. First place. Not second, not an afterthought, not passively, not emotionally, not expectantly. But by free will, the Word is first place. You run to it for life supply. It is your answer to all things and all matters. First place.

  4. Instantly obeying the voice of our spirit: Oh Lord, may we connect more with You to the point we hear Your voice all day, every day in all things. To become so tuned in to our spirit. That Your voice God is instant, certain and present with us. And that our soul instantly obeys because we know and reckon Your presence.

  1. Meditation in the Word: If you have never tried pray reading the Word, it's a certain practice to excercise your spirit to absorb the Word. Even if you have read a verse a thousand times, pray reading it will open up your spirit to receive the Word by your spirit. It's simple: just begin reading, then pray what you just read, then read some more, pray more, over and over.

  2. Practicing the Word: Putting into practice, into action, what your spirit read from meditating in the Word. Activate your mind, emotion and will in accordance of the Word.

  3. Giving the Word first place: Amen to this. First place. Not second, not an afterthought, not passively, not emotionally, not expectantly. But by free will, the Word is first place. You run to it for life supply. It is your answer to all things and all matters. First place.

  4. Instantly obeying the voice of our spirit: Oh Lord, may we connect more with You to the point we hear Your voice all day, every day in all things. To become so tuned in to our spirit. That Your voice God is instant, certain and present with us. And that our soul instantly obeys because we know and reckon Your presence.

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