Choose God.

Never Forget.

Poem: Son, Do You...

Poem: Son, Do You...

Son, do you not understand? Can you not comprehend?

I made you.

From nothing I wanted you. From the dust I formed you.

You are mine.

I have my plan. I will do what I intend. I will never end.

You will too.

Son, do you not hear me. Can you not sense me.

I am your time.

I have work for you. I have purpose in you.

You are new.

No one before me. No thing proceeds me. Destroy my enemy.

You are divine.

I am your attention. Your attraction. Your distraction.

I live in you.

Son, you must understand. You must comprehend.

Me in you.

Know Your Enemy

Know Your Enemy

Training Your Spirit

Training Your Spirit