God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Genesis 1:28.

Welcome to WarriorLifeGroup.com

Two rules off the bat. No religion. No politics. Read on for more.

We hope you find the content of this site and the participation within this community fruitful for your spirit, soul and body.

In an effort to establish your expectations and to prevent wasting your time, below is who we are. We encourage you to read and consider. Agree, participate. Disagree, don’t. Keep it simple.


Men have become passive, comfortable and civilized due to misdirected:

  • Attention, which leads to wrongful…

  • Attraction, which results in useless…

  • Distraction, which leads to their ultimate…

  • Destruction

The result is a wandering boy with no sense of purpose, isolation, depression and a slow death with no impact. We need God, we need His creation (nature), we need fellowship with fellow warriors. We must get our heads right - renew the mind. Romans 12:2.


God’s recovery of His active, focused and fighting men through content, connection and continuous churning of man’s spirit at WarriorLifeGroup.com.

Here, we choose God. We will not forget.


To know, reckon and experience the war of God versus the world, Christ versus satan and Spirit versus flesh, to God be the glory. Amen. Genesis 1:26-28.

  • For Men: Men need more community, content and connections in today’s world. Men are struggling with identity and purpose. Our aim is to empower men by shedding some light to identity and purpose. We do not discriminate and anyone may participate, but the mission remains the same.

  • For Profit: WarriorLifeGroup.com is a for profit business. All hard work brings forth profit. Proverbs 14:23.

  • For Life: We are not for religion, interpretation, theology, politics, psychology, medicine, organization, science, promotion or debate. We are simply for life experiences as men in this world.

  • For God: God is not religion, He is Spirit. Spirit of Life. Our Source. Our Master. Our Mighty Warrior. We believe Christ is the one way to oneness with our Father. We believe in the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Triune God. Call it what you may, we call it living.

  • For Growth: Our intent is not salvation, but rather for the growth of experience as God's men. Users, participants and members will most likely have already experienced salvation. We walk together for serious business.


To activate men of God, by God, through God, with God, for God to fight the good fight, to finish the work of our Father’s will. Ephesians 6:10-12.


An army of brothers actively representing and expressing God for His Kingdom in spirit, soul and body, overcoming because of the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and not loving their soul-life even unto death. Revelation 12:11, 17:14.


The world is against God, the devil is against Christ and the flesh is against Spirit.

Man is in the middle of this mighty war. Man’s purpose is to carry out God’s plan to execute His judgement against His enemy by representing and expressing God.

A man’s life is a war within his spirit, soul and body. To walk through life without this revelation, a man loses his sense of purpose and is tossed around until death. And that’s not the bad part. The bad part is you are God's creation, He intentionally created you for His purpose, every second counts, and now is all that matters. If we miss this brothers, we missed life.

The first step is to recognize every man is composed of three parts:

  1. Our Spirit: The organ created by God to speak Himself into man. Our spirit is either deadened, passive or active. An active spirit is either with God or against Him. God wants an active spirit with Him.

  2. Our Soul: The personality of a man. Our soul has two conditions, old or new. The old man is a sinful child. The new man is full of God’s life in our spirit infusing our soul. A grown up man. Our soul has three parts:

    • Our Mind: Intellect and reasoning

    • Our Emotion: Disappointments, unmet expectations, love, pain, fear, jealousy, anxiety and happiness.

    • Our Will: Desires, dreams and volition

  3. Our Body: The physical body of man. Breaking down since birth, aging, decaying and tired. We want the refreshing, well if living water, bright as crystal, flowing from within to our body. True hydration.

God can and wants to satisfy all three parts of our being with His newness of life.

The warrior let’s Him.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • “How Do You Choose Your Images?” Images are only of nature. We don’t know what God looks like but we do know He is represented in nature. True, He is represented in humans too. But, because our humanity likes to compare ourselves with other humans, we play it safe with images of nature. That way brother, we continue seeking His glory. Every image is also in black and white. That’s because it looks cool and it keeps our eyes focused on the content.

  • “Why does some of the content have profanity?” Sometimes men cuss. A boy uses profanity to be cool. A man may use profanity to accentuate points. We do our best to distribute content without profanity, but we won’t let profanity prevent content that may help a man overcome. Sometimes a man needs to be cussed at in order to get off his butt. Sometimes a man's mind, emotion and will are so disconnected from his Father, he needs humanity to help him hear his spirit. This is difficult for a spiritual man to understand, unless he has experienced that darkness.