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Never Forget.

Prayer: We're Listening

Prayer: We're Listening

Father. Our Father. All glory to Your name. Every thing is Yours. Every man is Yours. We are Yours.

We are Your Kingdom. Increase Your Kingdom Father. Do Your work in us, as men, to gain Your Kingdom. Activate us in Your Kingdom Father. We are Yours, do Your will in us, move in us, breathe in us, empower us, motivate us - awaken us! For the glory of Your Kingdom! The greatest Kingdom of all time!

The time is right now. Right now. Right now. Keep the enemy away, he has no place in Your Kingdom. Keep the world away, the distractions, the comparisons, the jealousy, the race for things and pleasures. Keep our old self away, our old man with its sinful desires, its pride, its passivity, its endless need for comfort and ease.

We are listening. Open to You, only You. We do NOT choose to hear the voice of Your enemy, this world and even our own self. We choose Your voice. We choose NOT our own mind. We choose NOT our own emotions. We choose NOT our own will. We choose our spirit to hear Your voice.

You speak in Spirit with our spirit. Oh the Spirit mingled with our spirit! How glorious! You created us to hear YOU! You designed us to hear YOU! Spirit to spirit. God to man! Hallelujah! What is man that You are mindful of him? (Psalm 8:4). Oh the glory of Your master plan to create us to hear You! That You want us. You want to speak to us. You want to abide in us. You want to make Your home in our hearts! (Ephesians 3:17).

Father You went so far to sacrifice Your only son Jesus Christ to recover us from the enemy, this world and our own sin! What mercy and grace! We pay no price, you paid it all! So we could be one with you in spirit. Father You went even further to send the Spirit, the Comforter, in the name of Jesus Christ, to teach us ALL things! (John 14.26).

So You are constantly communicating with us. You are constantly with us. We just need to listen! Praise God what an awesome life! That all we have to do is listen with our spirit. We are listening now Father! I shout “what do You want to tell us!” What is it You want with us? Show us our purpose! Show us Your enemy’s lies, show us the world’s distractions and show us our sinful nature that keep us away from Your will in our lives!

We hear you Father. We hear Your voice. Your soft nudging. Your generous, gentle and confident speaking in our spirit. We’ve always had a spirit. Maybe it’s been deadened. Maybe it’s passive. Maybe we have ignored it. But now, right now, we are present in spirit with You!

Wake us up! Rise us up! Prepare us for Your purpose. For Your War! Lead us. Guide us. Shake out everything that’s not You! Is it addiction? Is it depression? Is it anxiety? Is it lust? Is it money? Is it jealousy? Is it anger? Are we listening to the world? Are we listening to Your enemy? Whatever it is Father, strip it away right now. Overflow Your spirit to our mind, emotions and will. Overflow to our bodies. Captivate our entire being. We are Yours!

Bring us to Your body, the Church, our brothers. No more being shy. No more being cool by the world’s standards. No more embarrassment or shame. Set us free in You with Your Church! Bring us home Father! Back to our family that You created for us! Praise God for our family!

We are listening.

Your’s is the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer: Only Happy with You

Prayer: Only Happy with You

Tripartite Man

Tripartite Man