Choose God.

Never Forget.

Comfortable Attack

Comfortable Attack

Our mind is the battleground. We understand this clearly when our mind is at relative peace. But it is difficult for us to realize this fact when we are in the midst of outright war.

This morning I woke up with my mind racing with sinful thoughts. I was caught up in this battle, straight getting my butt kicked. I was totally vulnerable, mainly because I had all my armor off, resting and at peace. I was totally neutral, I was a sitting duck, I was comfortable.

It wasn’t fair. I was sleeping, like every other human every day, like I have slept thousands of times before. Let me tell you, this war is not fair. In fact, it never has been fair, ever.

My spirit began to nudge me to reality by speaking to my subconscious that the thoughts I was having were not from Him. You know, that soft speaking in our inner man that trickles in and says “no.” That’s my connected spirit with The Spirit that knows all things, that's my life source, that’s my purpose.

Here’s the deal. I was maybe 30% God’s man at that time, specifically in my spirit. My mind was already 100% captured by the enemy, my emotions were captured and my will was well on its way. My body would soon follow. I have to say, what great timing by the enemy to attack me when I was so vulnerable.

Because of my spirit’s beckoning, I became aware of the attack at least. Then I started my defense. I can say Amen to the fact I’m mature enough to become aware and start playing defense. But brothers, that’s just the problem. I was unaware and playing defense.

So long as I, a man of God, a soldier of Christ, remain unaware of the war between God and this world, Christ and the devil and Spirit and my flesh, I will continue to live a civilian life of being vulnerable, unaware and playing defense.

I don’t live the civilian life all the time. Sometimes I am a soldier, fully armed and on offense. “Good job brother!” No. NO! That is unacceptable to my calling from God. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

I have been crucified. That is my reality. I no longer live. My issue with my experience is that I have not had a full realization of God’s plan in me. I continue to hold on to my old man with its sin nature. I continue to keep close the matters of this world. I expect to rest in this world, my own thoughts, my old self.

So, my prayer is “Father, You are glorious. Every thing and every person is Yours. You are the Master. You are the Alpha and Omega. Father I need You. I want You. Give me more revelation of Your will in my life. Activate me Father, show me Your plan, Your purpose constantly. Show me what You see when You look at Christ in me. Give me Your perspective of me. You don’t want my old man, You want my new man. I need this revelation Father. Fill my spirit with Your reality. Overflow to my mind, my emotions, my will and my body. Keep this world and enemy and my flesh away from Your purpose in me. I surrender to You Father. I praise You for all my experiences in the past, right now and the future. Let Your Kingdom come. Let Your will be done. Amen.”

Brothers. It’s time to play offense.

Thinking of the Cross

Thinking of the Cross

Mind Science.

Mind Science.