Choose God.

Never Forget.

The King

The King

I Have No Purpose as a Man

Sad to say, but there are many men that believe they have no purpose. I admit, I have believed this myself and there are times I still believe it. When I believe I have no purpose, there is one simple reason: I have lost my King.

Men today are wandering in the wilderness of their own desires and the world. Their fleshly desires to prosper, to gain attention, to be attractive and to build their own kingdom. The world is constantly influencing their decisions, opinions, convictions, values and purpose. The most destructive scenario is that men are not even aware of their wandering. They’re not aware of their detachment from their King.

When a man has lost his King, he has become isolated from the Kingdom. The man finds himself anxious, angry, resentful and ultimately depressed. He reflects upon his life and his purpose, then loses hope. The cycle is a viscous reality that is ripe for intense attacks of the enemy. The enemy just needed to wait for the man to become lost on his own.

The combination of isolation of the self (the flesh), the influence of the world and the attacks of the enemy equal a man with no purpose. The man has in fact lost his purpose. He is detached from his King. He has wandered away from his Master. The wandering did not happen overnight. It was a process over a long period of time. Minute by minute. Hour by hour. Day by day. Week by week. Year by year. Decade by decade.

Fortunately, a man can return to his King. Unfortunately, some men may not. The men that do not return to their King are defeated. The men that do return become warriors. I don’t know about you brother, but for me, I am a warrior.

What is the Purpose of a Man?

The purpose of a man is very simple: To represent and express God, our King. When a man is not aligned to his King, he is not in the Kingdom. Without the King and the Kingdom, the man has lost his purpose.

A man was created intentionally, with all his characteristics and attributes, to abide with his King. The problem is not the man’s qualities, the problem is who the man follows. Does he follow himself? Does he follow the world? Does he follow the enemy? Or, does he follow his King?

A man without the King is not a warrior. The man that follows the King is a warrior within the Kingdom. A warrior must have a king. A master to follow. The Mighty Warrior to fight with and for. The warrior must remain loyal, dedicated, disciplined and determined. He must stay focused and prepared for anyone or anything to threaten the Kingdom.

The King is for the Kingdom. The warrior is for the Kingdom. The King and the Kingdom are one. “I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them. I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.” John 17:9-11.

Brothers, we all must recognize four major points of our earthly condition as a man. Each point has two paths that we can take. It is imperative that we are aligned to the path with our King, and never anyone or anything else:

  • Attention:

    • Wrong: We seek attention for ourself and from the world

    • Right: We seek attention from our King and for our King

  • Attraction:

    • Wrong: We are attracted by and to other humans and this world

    • Right: We are attracted by and to our King

  • Distraction:

    • Wrong: We are distracted by our self and this world

    • Right: We are distracted from our self and this world by our King

  • Destruction:

    • Wrong: Attention, attraction and distraction by our self and this world lead to destruction of our purpose by the enemy

    • Right: Attention, attraction and distraction to our King and His Kingdom leads to our purpose of destruction of the enemy. Praise God!

When we are seeking our King’s attention, when we are absolutely attracted by our King, when we are distracted from our self and this world by our King, we will find our purpose as a man, a warrior. In this reality, we men become warriors with our Mighty Warrior to overcome our old man, this world and the enemy. What a marvelous purpose!

As warriors, we must remain sober, focused and intent on taking the headship of our King. We must wake up in the morning and surrender to our King. We must call on His name and love our King. We must constantly pray in oneness with our King. We must gather together as warriors to follow our King. We must choose God. We must never forget.

The King and Kingdom never rest. The King and Kingdom never run out. The King and Kingdom has come. It’s the man, the old man, that rests, that runs away and leaves the King and Kingdom.

The warrior is one with the King and Kingdom. Our God, our King, our Mighty Warrior, let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done.

“and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Matthew 3:2. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21. “But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man,[a] and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Corinthians 11:3

Prayer: “My King, I thank You that even though I lose You at times, You have never lost me. Father, I am such a wanderer. I wander in my own thoughts and desires. I wander in this world. All too often, I believe what others believe, I think what others think, I want what others want. I seek approval from other humans, even those closest to me. I reflect on myself. I compare myself to others and this world. I doubt my purpose. God, I’m sorry I lose You in my mind, emotions, will and body on a regular basis. But my Might Warrior, my King, my God, I run back to You right now. I surrender to You again. I look to You to lead me, to guide me, to empower me, to strengthen me and to infuse me with all that You are. Today is the day that You have made. I am totally Yours, right now. My very breath is Yours. My heartbeat is Yours. My mind is Yours. My emotions are Yours. My will is Yours. My body is Yours. I am absolutely all Yours, my King! I am Your warrior. I trust You, I follow You, I commit to You. Father, You know my distractions, You know my condition. But, You know my purpose. You created me. You called me. You want me. You love me. You have purpose for me. I hear Your trumpet Lord. I am Yours. Amen.”

Source of Happiness

Source of Happiness

I Am Dead

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