Choose God.

Never Forget.

I Will Live Forever

I Will Live Forever

Emotions flare by the moment. This happens, I feel that. That happens, I feel this. Reacting constantly to surroundings and circumstances.

We believe in our emotions too much. I have tremendous credibility here as this is something that I have personal experience with throughout my entire life. What I have come to realize is that it doesn’t matter whether you have “good” emotions or “bad” emotions, they are still emotions, and emotions will take you on a ride in your flesh, in this world and a feeding frenzy of the enemy.

  • “Bad” Emotions: We all know when someone has bad emotions. Anger, jealousy, resentment, etc. Our human nature can quickly determine these are negative and that they lead to destruction of that person and those around him. A man can quickly judge “he needs the Lord, he needs grace, he needs mercy, he needs peace.”

  • “Good” Emotions: We also know the person with good emotions. Love, happiness, forgiveness, etc. Our human nature accepts such a person as a positive influence, we look up to him and are inspired by his nature and living. A man can quickly judge “he is always in a good mood, he has no problems, I wish I were more like him.”

Danger zone. A man’s emotions that are active in the old man are simply old man emotions. God’s warriors must be alert to this matter. The emotions of another will influence our own emotions. It’s a cycle that has a life of its own and we must be diligent to constantly LISTEN to our own spirit.

When bad emotions are influencing our soul, we know about it and work to experience the cross. When good emotions are influencing our soul, we typically appreciate it, enjoy the ride and pass it on. The problem is good emotions consume us, become our everything, become our life supply, become our goal, become our identity and become our benchmark of joy. Once the good emotion has served its time, bad emotions, like sadness, agitation and disappointment can take over.

Our emotional expectations are never met within our soul life. Period. Certainly we can meet our own emotional expectations when we buy a new toy, but that’s shortly lived. We fall in love, all is well, but then we are let down. We have sex, we want more. We make money, we want more. Our soul is never satisfied with itself or this world. Good emotions eventually result in bad emotions. Bad emotions seek good emotions. Can you objectively recognize this in your own experiences?

The problem isn’t our emotions themselves. Our Master created us that way. A man is perfectly designed with emotions for a reason, His reason. The problem is the source. Emotions derived and influenced from our old man, this world and the enemy are terribly unreliable, mortal and eventually destructive.

There’s a second problem: awareness. Brother, let me tell you from experience, even as you become more aware of how emotions control your life, and you objectively have a realization of their source, in the midst of a battle, subjectively, your awareness will be a fight of its own. As you experience awareness of the source and as you have more revelation of spirit, you will clearly recognize the power of the old man’s emotions. BUT, keep listening to your spirit, because the POWER of emotions from the spirit, the new man, is the glory of God.

The emotions of the old man are mortal. They die with our body, they die with our earth life. When we are captivated with this reality subconsciously, we are very hasty. We know our time on earth is short. So when we are sad, we want to quickly be happy. Then we meet someone that is happy, and we instantly try to apprehend what is the source of that happiness. Then we find the first example: a car, money, house, wife, kids, singleness, job, intelligence, family life, upbringing, physique, food, beer, talents, convictions, power, clothes, reputation, influence, good looks. My God… the list goes on and on and on. Father give us revelation!

We want. (I intentionally wrote that two-word sentence). We want. As a fallen man, the old man, our condition is that of wanting. We don’t even know it’s happening, we are just wanting. We want strongly because our time on this earth is running out. The enemy is also fully aware that we have a specific amount of time. What an excellent tactic to distract us for our entire life of wanting with our old man. Even more, he distracts us and we don’t even know we are distracted.

We need to take up our Cross. Recognize the death of the old man by the Cross. Our old man is crucified. Put to death. Divorced. Done. Over. Killed. Destroyed. Deleted. Terminated. No more. The Cross wasn’t a gentle process objectively and should not be subjectively.

In essence, when the source of our emotions is coming from our old man, the mortal man, we are keeping alive what has been put to death by our Master. Our General, our warrior life Leader, wants NOTHING to do with that old man. That’s why He crucified him.

In our new man our life is eternal. Do you get this brother? You will live forever. I will live forever! When my emotional source is my spirit that is flowing the life of God in me, that is eternal. What’s my haste? I am satisfied. I am complete. I want nothing of my flesh, I want nothing of this world and the enemy has no ground.

Come on brother, you know you have experienced this. In fact, it’s when we accepted Christ, when we were saved. Emotionally speaking, that was the happiest moment in your life. That emotion was sourced in the Spirit! It wasn’t a one-time experience that gave you that emotion. It was the Spirit! If we can realize this, we also realize the Spirit never leaves us, God is always with us. What does this mean brother? This means we are always emotionally rich! Praise God! Praise God! PRAISE GOD!!!!

Prayer: “Father. All glory to You! Your Kingdom come, Your will be done! At this moment, I am listening to You in spirit. Give me revelation of Your crucifixion of my old man. Give me revelation to Your resurrecting of Your new man in me. Father, thank You for my emotions. Thank You for being my emotional source. Thank You for wanting to be my source. Lord, keep me in Your reality of eternity in every situation. Overcome my emotions, settle me in Your everlasting presence. Thank You for gaining me in Your Kingdom, with purpose, with intent. I rest in Your grace and authority, my King. Hallelujah is all I can express. I am Yours Father, infuse me with Your new man. I want to go on with You. I’m Yours eternally. Praise God for such a wonderful LIFE! This my wonderful Father, my glorious Master, my all-powerful general, is a glorious life. I feel good in You! Real good! My time is eternal in You. My time on this earth is intentional and limited in Your purpose. Activate me for you purpose. Amen.”

I Am Dead

I Am Dead

One Responsibility

One Responsibility