Choose God.

Never Forget.

Preparation for Battle

Preparation for Battle

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16

The world wants nothing more than for us to not be alone with our creator. When was the last time you truly were alone with Him?

When I unpack this verse, my spirit awakens my soul to just how off I am so much of the time.

  • ”Often”: I can honestly say that I do spend time with the Lord. But is it “often”? My mind likes to justify and reason, telling me “yea man, considering your schedule, you often spend time with God.” But, if I’m honest with myself, and I listen to my spirit, I know I’m just ducking reality. My spirit has convicted me that no, it’s not often. So, that’s my truth.

  • ”Withdrew”: I love this word. It’s an action. Not a situation. I grew up thinking that one day I will have the luxury and time to spend with God. I am guilty even today of thinking I have time and opportunity in the future to be in circumstances that place me in a perfect scenario to peacefully build a relationship with Him. I’m so wrong. Terribly wrong. That will never happen. Coming to God is not for monks. It’s for Him.

  • ”Lonely”: God help me to hear You. God reveal Your will to be with You in Your creation. Lonely places. Away from people. Away from things. Away from noise.

If I’m to battle in this war I need to follow the pattern set out by the greatest warriors in history. Praise God for His word that reveals more of His way to me, to my foolish understanding of life. I must withdraw to quite places in His creation and spend time with Him. To pray to Him.

Honestly, when I picture myself doing just that, my heart is full. I’m so satisfied. My thirst is quenched. Because I know the world has nothing satisfying to offer my spirit and soul and body.

But this… this time that I create with Him is water of life. I imagine many others feel the same. If I ever wonder “how can I overcome in this world?” I believe this is the true answer.

It might be all He is asking of us. This would prepare us for the war. No doubt.

Block Prayer

Block Prayer